The Badge
Some wear it with honor
Some wear it with pride
Almost all wear it with a sole purpose
Only to hide
Their moto is 'To serve and protect'
Truthfully it should be
'To seek and find every reject'
Without emotion, not even a care
Gazing at you with an empty
cold stare
Reading you your supposed constitutional rights
Armed and dangerous
Expecting and willing
Waiting to fight
They go onto lie right to your face
Standing firm on an enforced dysfunctional law
Representing, a shameful disgrace
Now you are cuffed and ready to begin
An inflicted unwarranted lawful journey of abuse
Received straight from the hands of them
Hearing it's your turn now
Listening to comments
You're just a poor, terrible excuse
So they say, politely you just bow
Trapped in their cage, pinned to a rack
You can't turn back
No way, no how
They smile from a deep sickened desire
Their eyes filled with a fire
Be strong, use caution and don't cry
Instinctively remaining quiet
You do not question why
You stare right back at them face to face
Mimicking that same empty glare
Pretending you just don't even care
Grinning all the time knowing
A holder of truth
Not showing
You are completely undeserving
And don't belong in this horrible place!
(c) Original by J.M.L.
8th Sunday
Inspired and Dedicated to My Husband, who is mentally disabled and has been falsely accused and wrongfully imprisoned by local enforcement
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